Thursday 31 March 2016

3Ds Max: Desk [Part 8]

Ttrying with the Car Paint material.

But it looks exactly like a cars.

I set the bump to 100 to get a rougher look.

But it was not rough at all.

Wednesday 30 March 2016

3Ds Max: Desk [Part 7]

Installed the handles to the drawers.

Let me try the wood mateial with the handles.
It looks fine, but I don't think office desk's handles are made by wood.

What about the drawers?
Nah, I don't even see the texture.

Tuesday 29 March 2016

3Ds Max: Desk [Part 6]

Ugh, let me forget about the wood material.
Let me do the handle first.
Start with a cylinder.

Bend it using the bend modifier.

As it is rough, I incresed the segments to make it smooth.

This is how it looks like on the drawer.

Monday 28 March 2016

3Ds Max: Desk [Part 5]

Edited, again.XD
The side was great.

But at the top.....
The left part (blue circle) was fine but the right part (red circle) was very weird.

The cabinate.
Purple circle marked out a half detailed wood texture, but the red circle marks out the empty face.

The drawers.
Don't mind the shadows (yellow circle), I haven't set up the light yet.
The other face (blue circle) was great for a wood texture.

I need to go to bed now, continue tomorrow.

Sunday 27 March 2016

3Ds Max: Desk [Part 4]

Edited the material but the middle part of the desk was not right. (Maybe I should mark it out?)

The back, why the material stop at the left cabinate?

Inside the cabinate, again, why it stop at the back?

Ugh, so unlucky me today, gonna hit the sack now. Good Night.
Maybe I should make it another material...

Saturday 26 March 2016

3Ds Max: Desk [Part 3]

Making the empty space a cabinet.

Making the empty space a cabinet.

The material, I decide to make it a wooden desk, but the material was definitely not right.

Things to do:
-Adjust the material.
-Adding the handles.
-Adding the details
-Lightning and Shadows

Friday 25 March 2016

3Ds Max: Desk [Part 2]

I remaked it, this time, a higher one.

Adding the other side, but did you felt that the desk is too long again?
Gonna hit the sack now, I got a gathering tomorrow.

Thursday 24 March 2016

3Ds Max: Desk [Part 1]

I'm making a office desk.

Making the holes for the drawers, but are the legs too short?

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Photoshop: Tiger + Human = ?

Umm, trying to pratice my photoshop skill, I guess.
I can't finish it today because I got school tomorrow.
I'm arraging the places of the eyes and mouth.
Btw the little chuck under the tiger image is some remaining peice of the image.

Tuesday 22 March 2016



“蚊虻噆肤,则通昔(夕)不寐矣。” 哎,这真是古 今的一大烦恼之一呀* 古人呢也有防蚊虫的蚊帐,那时候还不叫蚊帐叫“帐幔”。它的最早名称是“帱”。古代的蚊帐 形状有好几种,有四方形的,有弓形的,有上窄下宽如覆斗样的,此外还有扇帐、荷花帐等。但古代的 蚊帐并不全是用来防蚊虫的,而主要起遮蔽作用。 关于制作蚊帐的材料,则品种繁多。富豪人家多用丝绸绫罗为材料,故称“丝罗帐”。一般平 民用粗布缝制。历代帝后卧床则用银鼠皮、黑貂皮来制作蚊帐。这些用名贵兽皮做的蚊帐,冬天特别暖 和,但由于密不透风,“如入暗室,晓夜不能辨”,所以皮帐前往往开一个大圆孔,另用透明纱缝上, 以便通光线,所以古时的蚊帐不仅有遮避、防虫等作用,还可用来取暖。

Monday 21 March 2016








20世纪70年代,科学家又发明了铝镜,其制造方法是:在真空中使铝蒸发,让铝蒸汽凝结在玻璃面上而成为一层薄薄的铝膜。这种镀铝的玻璃镜,比镀银的玻璃镜便宜、耐用,也更为光彩照人,在镜子的历史上写下了崭新的一页 收起

Sunday 20 March 2016

Saturday 19 March 2016

Ocean Baby [Day 2]

Woah, what happend to them,how big do they grow!

Let me get the largest one up for you too see. (My mother deny me form touching them since today.)
Opps, it falls, let me get it up again.

Wow, the size was as big as a pearl.

Clever me to put some of them in a container to see them clear without my hands.

Friday 18 March 2016

Ocean Baby [Day 1]

I got a packet of Ocean Baby, after 30 minute, see how they grow!

In another angle.

I pick a random one to show you how they grow.

Nah, I'm very naughty, here is some more.

Thursday 17 March 2016

3Ds Max: Rubik's Cube [Take 3] [Part 3]

Ahh, how can I get it right?!

It looks better with no lights.

But it looks strange in another way because of no shadows.

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Tuesday 15 March 2016

3Ds Max: Rubik's Cube [Take 3] [Part 1]

Ok,stupid me, I forgot to save my Rubik's Cube yesterday.
I think you will ask: So?
So,congratulation! You got more image to look now. ^^
The material.

After applied all the material.

Array x1

Array x2

Array X3

Final image.

Monday 14 March 2016

3Ds Max: Rubik's Cube [Take 2] [Part 2]

Using the array function to making the 1 layer.

The result, I think I should get some better lightning......